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Comprehensive Threat detection, AI enabled Intelligence and Automated solutions:
Our Technological Edge

At Brinker, we pride ourselves on offering a state-of-the-art SaaS platform, developed by our elite R&D team and enriched with insights from experienced intelligence personnel.

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Our technology is at the forefront of digital threat mitigation, focusing on two major areas:


Automated Analysis for Rapid and Intelligent Threat Severity Assessment

Our platform leverages proprietary machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) mechanisms to deliver swift and intelligent threat assessments, enabling effective action. This automated analysis considers a comprehensive range of factors and data, including:

  • Size of Attack: We quantify the number of malicious players involved, giving a clear picture of the attack's scale.

  • Probability of Financial Damage: We evaluate the potential financial impact of the attack on your brand or reputation.

  • VIP Mentions: Special attention is given to mentions by or about VIPs, as these can significantly influence the nature of the attack.

  • Client's Risk Tolerance: Tailoring our response to your specific needs, we factor in timing and client-specific details.



The Antidote: Our Proactive Solution

"The Antidote" is Brinker's signature response mechanism, a culmination of our technological prowess. It's not just about identifying threats; it's about actively countering them. This component of our platform:

  • Correlates Attacks to Local Regulations: We align our response strategies with local laws and regulations, ensuring legality and effectiveness.

  • Optimizes Evidence Presentation: Our system is designed to collate and present evidence in the most impactful manner, aiding in legal and public relations efforts.

  • Provides Targeted Actionable Insights: "The Antidote" offers specific, actionable steps, enabling you to take swift and decisive action against threats.

Our technology is not just a shield;
it's a strategic tool that empowers you to stay ahead of digital threats.

With Brinker, you're equipped not just to face the digital world's challenges but to thrive in it.

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